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Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing Development and Preservation Subcommittee (RBSC)

Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing Development and Preservation Subcommittee (RBSC)

The Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing Development and Preservation Subcommittee (RBSC) is charged with recommending improvements to the Unified Development Code (UDC) and other City processes to facilitate affordable housing development and protection in San Antonio. This work began in 2019 with a focus on reducing the cost burden of development regulations, removing barriers to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) development, and other policies related to affordable housing.

NHSD established this technical working group on removing barriers to the production and preservation of affordable housing as recommended by the Mayor’s Housing Policy Framework. The group became a subcommittee of the Housing Commission in October 2021. 

Current priorities of the RBSC are to develop recommendation supporting the linkage of housing and transportation, and models to support affordability amidst growth, such as Community Land Trusts (CLTs) and land banking. RBSC is also exploring recommendations on Universal Design and Visitability related UDC amendments. RBSC also plays a lead role in crafting housing related policy recommendations as part of the Transit-Oriented Policy plan development.

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